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Daily Watchword

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

James 5:16

Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

24.06.2011 Category: News
BFP Calls for Donations for Eastern Africa

The BFP calls for donations for Eastern Africa. In a common letter to the churches, president Roman Sievert, treasurer Martin Stötzel, Werner Fraas (1st Director of Velberter Mission VMeC) and Bernd Scheven (1st Director of Ecclesia) wrote:

Ever and ever again - but in spite of that do not harden your heart! We see these pictures from Africa, and the danger is big to close heart and eyes. Somalia is politically collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of people are subject to  Hunderttausende von Menschen sind seit Jahren der tyranny for many years.

To complete the disaster, they got an extreme drought, for the rain is missing.

The word of Jesus is timeless:"I was hungry and naked". We want to follow his command and kindly ask you to donate.

Any donations can be transferred to our federal cash office with designation to the project„Hunger Ostafrika“:

SKB Bad Homburg
Spendenkonto 20044
BLZ: 500 921 00

This is also a thank offering for all we have received: The steady access to food, freshwater, medical support and education, which we have no more earned then those poor people suffering.

In the name of all our church federation We profoundly thank all who follow this call!


Source: GEISTbewegt! 


Wednesday 09. May 2012
May Devotions: Pentecost for you!

  "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." (Rom. 8:1-2) -    This word is today's watchword on and a wonderful vers[more]

Devotions (copy 1)
Clean Joke
Tuesday 10. January 2012
Ignoring Warnings

50 m before a sharp bend, two people stand at the road side, holding up a sign that reads 'Return now. The end is near'. A driver, having no sense for missionaries at all, opens the window while passi[more]

Thursday 21. July 2011
I knocked at hell's gate!

Debra was hit by an oncoming car.  The next thing she remembered, she was being propelled uncontrollably down a long tunnel of some sort.  As she descended deeper and deeper down the tunnel,[more]